Goals For My Blog In 2019

Happy New Year! 2019 is finally upon us, although 2018 really did seem to fly by. It seems crazy that it was only just over 3 months ago that I created this blog, it feels like it has been a lot longer. I have loved every second of using this blog over the past few months, and I am excited to take it into 2019. It may have taken a while and a few different blogs, but I am finally happy with my content and my site.

Today I thought that it would be the perfect time to share a few goals for my blog in 2019, not numbers wise or anything like that, just a few things that I would have liked to have achieved to improve my content and blog quality.

In 2019 I have decided that I want to put more focus on the content I am creating instead of just randomly uploading posts. In December I planned everything that I would upload, and it really did make everything so much easier for me. Planning in advance also meant that I had more time to work on each individual post, and it is for sure something that I will be carrying into the new year. I have a habit of taking pictures and writing up a blog on the day I post it,which is great and still works very well, however it is nice to know that I already have something in my drafts ready to be published when it is needed.

This links on nicely to my next goal, which is to post something at least once a week. Previously there have been large gaps between posts, especially on my old blogs I created. This became a natural habit, and was usually a result of college work. I know that there is nothing I can do to change the amount of work I have, but with the point mentioned above, posting regularly is not only more fun and a nice break from the school work, but it also does help my blog a lot. The more effort you put into something the better your results will be.

Again this leads well onto my next goal for my blog in 2019, which is to only post quality content. If I would not read the post myself, then there really is no point in uploading it. I want to put 100% into every single post I create, that will either help, entertain or either just simply defeat someones boredom. I know that it is not possible to create something that is completely perfect, but as long as I am happy with a blog post then it will go up.

My next goal is less for my own blog, and that is to comment more on other people's tweets and instagram posts. The blogging world really is a community, and it's just nice to tell someone if you love their makeup or new top. I love discovering people's pretty instagram feeds and scrolling through relatable tweets. Not only does it make that person happy, but you would want them to do the same for you, and the more you put yourself out there the easier it is for people to discover you.

Lastly, I would really like to perfect taking a flatlay. You know those really pretty pictures from above showing makeup, books, or basically anything? Well, they are a lot harder to take than they look. This year I have decided to try and work on my flatlay skills, and hopefully by this time next year taking a flatlay will not be such a struggle.

So those are all of my goals for my blog over the next year. I look forward to what 2019 brings, and it will be interesting to see how my blogging has improved by this same time next year. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this post, and do let me know below what your goal for 2019 is!

If you would like to then follow me on Instagram (annieelizabethj) or Twitter (annieejenkins_) or Pinterest (www.pinterest.co.uk/annieejenkins/). I hope that you have a lovely day wherever in the world you are.


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