My Blog Goals for the Rest of 2019

At the start of each year, many people across the globe set themselves goals. I myself did this and shared my goals here on my blog, and then again I set goals in August for the 21 Day Morning Challenge

Setting goals could mean new opportunities, healthy habits, being more creative, studying more, or even just picking up a book every now and then. 

What I love most about setting myself goals is when I completely smash them, like the habits I created from the 21 Day Morning Challenge.

Since going back to College, I have noticed that I have been spending less time on my blog, so I have decided to use this perfect opportunity to set some blogging goals. I know that I cannot magically make extra time for blogging appear, so I am going to be setting goals that will help me to make the most out of the time I have free.

Blog Post Ideas

More often I will end up writing down a list of ten semi-okay blog post ideas. This is why for the rest of the year I am making it my goal to instead come up with a few blog posts every day, that I think would create a higher quality post. As a blogger you can get very easily caught up on quantity, however quality will always be more important. When I am coming up with an idea for a post I would like to think that it would be of interest to myself if I were to read it.

Upload Schedule

Since getting back to College I now have less free time, meaning that currently posting once a week would be best for my schedule. I want to be 100% happy with my blog, so I would like to make sure that I am putting the correct amount of time into my content. I would much rather have one amazing post in a week rather than 2+ posts that seem rushed with bad pictures.


There was a point in summer where I constantly had around 2 posts in my drafts, either being worked on or ready to be shared. This is something that I would love to achieve again. Planning is something that I am pretty good at when it comes to blogging, if I spend my time wisely, so there is no reason why this goal is not achievable. Hopefully along with my other goals this should come naturally!

Lifestyle Content

Recently I have been sharing more lifestyle based content, like the 21 Day Morning Challenge, and How to Prepare for a Camping Holiday. On top of these I also have a few ideas in my head for future posts. There is nothing I love more than reading blog posts that you can take something valuable from, for example Career Girl Daily is a blog that I read ALL THE TIME. Not only is blogging a fun use of my time but I want other people to feel that their time has been well spent after reading one of my posts.


When I got back from my holiday I was determined to start a channel, and I did. However, since creating the channel I have only managed to share one video, which was 3 weeks ago. The video I shared is a 4 minute montage of my holiday in Wales, which I am actually quite happy with, and you can check out here! I just need to start creating and sharing, because if I keep putting it off then it will never happen. I absolutely love YouTube and editing videos so it would be great to spend time on the weekends putting some work into it like I would for my blog.

Thank for reading this blog post, I hope that I have inspired you to create some goals of your own, and if you have, please do let me know how you get on! 

It feels like ages since I last posted something, almost 2 weeks ago to be exact, oops. Anyway, I am definitely back so be sure to subscribe to get emails when I share a post, and you can also follow me on my social media, for more of my everyday life.


